Das Interview auf Deutsch könnt ihr hier nachlesen. Dankeschön Marco Theimer für das tolle Interview. Die sinngemäße Übersetzung auf Englisch folgt im Anschluss.
I spent one year abroad to gain experience after graduation 2017. I have been in
- USA: Occidental Brewing Wursthaus
- Romania: Mezeluri Bătrânu’ Sas
- Switzerland: Boucheries – Leuba, Clerc, Stuby, Papaux, Crettaz
- Ireland: Butchers – McCarthys, Tormeys, Corrigans, Cunninghams
I was warmly welcomed by all families. But I recognized very fast, to speak the language is essential.
I began my apprenticeship at the butcher shop Scheller in 2018, which I am going to finish in 2022. And I am studying food management at university of Weihenstephan-Triesdorf since 2019 until 2023.
Goal of my studies to get my bachelor in food management and finishing my apprenticeship. After this I want to get my master butcher degree.
Why did you decide to combine university and your apprenticeship?
To study only theory doesn’t make me happy. Therefore, I decided to do this combination. Furthermore, I need one year less to get both exams. Because university and apprenticeship are closely linked. I got the idea to combine both at an exhibition where my university provided information about the different study courses.
What does this mean for you? Which advantages has such a education?
I started my apprenticeship one year in advance to my studies. University began the following year in October. Since then I spent my semester breaks at the butcher shop where I am serving my apprenticeship, as well as I am going to spent the next semester (= practical semester). At the weekends I help in the butcher shop at home, to be good prepared for finishing my apprenticeship. Theoretical contents my study classes complement well with practical know-how of my apprenticeship. Central theme of the first semester is anatomy of animals, animal husbandry and feeding. This knowledge is important for my apprenticeship as well because it has an impact on meat quality. University deepens the knowledge of butcher school and helps to understand the production and processing process.
What`s your opinion on knowledge transfer in theory and practice?
Practice illustrates the processes which I learn in theory at university. To explain how to make sausages, or the hurdle technology without knowing how to produce it, is in my opinion very complicated.
What was the biggest challenge for you – aside from studying at home due to corona?
To combine study course with a butcher apprenticeship – I am the first to do this. Therefore, lots of forms had to be filled. Usually, it`s combined with an commercial apprenticeship in an office.
Would you recommend this combination?
Yes. It’s good to get more knowledge. I would have never decided to do a butcher apprenticeship without studying. The inadequate level would have discouraged me to do this. It makes the profession unattractive for youths with `higher´ degrees. Which is not good for getting the interest of young people to learn the butcher craft.
How does your future look like?
I am going to make my master butcher degree after I got my bachelor degree and finished my apprenticeship. The following years I’m going to spent in different butcher shops in Germany or all over the world. Gaining more experience, getting to know other products and processes until I go back in our family business.
Hallo Wurstjuly !
Ich schreibe gerade einen Artikel über eine bevorstehende Reise mit der Bahn und lande bei der Recherche zu “Tuff-Tuff-Tuff die Eisenbahn” auf einem Blog über Fleisch.
Das hat mich zwar bei meinem Artikel nicht weitergebracht, aber ich könnte mal wieder ein richtig gutes Stück Fleisch kaufen und etwas leckeres kochen.
Danke für die Inspiration 😉
Bitteschön, immer gerne 🙂